vendredi 3 juin 2005

What are you thinking of ?

originally uploaded by Quizz.
Last day before Week-End.

I'll wait for your emails.

I'll wait for some traces, some hopes, or some tears to come.

Focusing on You.

At damn speed...yes. It's true.

What are You thinking of ?

Where are You ?

There was a great diner in a great restaurant this evening with a very famous, very old and very cool mathematician. One of this kind who could give you some courage to not giving up, to continue some desesperate act of creation, to try to fight against the loss of creativity. A sort of spiritual father if you want, not a gourou (I hate this sort of guys).

How do I see Life ?

Loving my children and be loved by them.

Creating and teaching. Being useful.

Belong to someone. Forget mySelf, becoming ourSelf.
Forget myShell, becoming ourShell...

It sounds like the Ten Commandments.

I feel myself pretty pathetic, this evening.

I need another world, I need to change some line of code in this Matrix.

"Close the World, Open the NeXt..."


Anonymous Anonyme said...

ça me fait penser à une chanson de Kidneythieves. Les lyrics sont simples :
"thought, interrupting thought. close a door, open one, one. one."

2:22 AM  
Blogger L. said...

Je ne connaissais pas... C'est malin, maintenant va falloir que je le trouve, puis que je l'écoute :-)

J'aime bien en tout cas.

Sinon la citation vient de "Serial experiments: Lain", un ovni que tu dois connaître...

2:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Oui, je connais bien :)

2:15 PM  

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