jeudi 9 juin 2005

I miss You

Between Two Worlds
Between Two Worlds,
originally uploaded by Deckard@tyrell.corp.
and I need You.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

I always had luck to explosions- you know that...
You doing something not very important, your mind wonders and all of the sudden KABOOMMM...
You are like another explosion in my life...
Came all of the sudden and my thoughts whirl around my head now in all directions possible, before im gonna put them to order its gonna take lots of time
Who are you missing L? You missing your own dreams! :) you noticed? you miss a girl on the rocks, you miss walk, and sea, and to have connection with somebody just by looking into her eyes...
so- i think you already remind yourself how to dream - that first step...
I like what you wrote, I read it like a novel...i replaced the main female role on my own person, as girls always did with harlequeen romances :P and i am happy with it - i fit there! i added my own moves to it - i have fiew modifications though- i am so clumsy that im sure i would slip on the rocks and break something...probably front tooth
Anyway - that is just too perfect...I like coming in here - it feels like somebody would write life sceneplay just for me...I come in and read what my future episodes will be ;)
The problems is - anybody could fit into this :) anyone who would give you amount of attention and understanding...i know you can't wait for being happy...

Well, I never knew anybody like you

6:02 PM  
Blogger L. said...

This is not a dream: it was my life past week.

This is not a novel either.

The woman exists and she is not replaceable :

because all this was written for her;

because I can't see life as a kind of supermarket.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Just passing... Nice opening line, Lolo, but drop the extra "the", it's not in the movie or the original script, which reads: " tears in rain".


7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

At times it seems the pain is unbearable, I know, but there comes a point where you just can't go back and have to push through and on to the other side.

- Lapetus

9:36 PM  

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